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How to configure ISA Server for Outbound Mail

C. Configuring the SMTP Bridgehead Server as a SecureNAT Client

If your SMTP connector for outbound Internet mail is configured to use DNS, the Exchange server on which it is homed must be configured as a SecureNAT client. If, instead of using DNS, the connector is configured to route to a smart host, the smart host (which is configured to use DNS to route outbound mail) needs to be a SecureNAT client.

To configure your SMTP bridgehead server to be a SecureNAT client, open the TCP/IP properties page on the server's network adapter, and set the default gateway IP address to the IP address of the ISA Server internal network adapter.

Note: Pointing to your ISA Server computer internal network adapter assumes that the server is on the same network segment as your ISA Server computer. If you have a routed network and the server is on a different network segment, point the default gateway to a router, and configure the router to route Internet-bound packets to the ISA Server internal IP address. 

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