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How to convert on-premises mailboxes to Mail-Enabled Users  - Step by step with screenshots 


1. Download and copy ExportO365UserInfo.ps1, Exchange2007MBtoMEU.ps1, and the CSV file used to run the migration batch to the same directory in your on-premises organization.
2. Rename the migration CSV file to migration.csv.
3. In the Exchange Management Shell, run the following command. The script assumes that the CSV file is in the same directory and is named migration.csv.

You will be prompted to use the existing session or open a new session.
4. Type n and press Enter to open a new session.
5. Enter the administrator credentials for your cloud-based organization, for exmaple blin@chicagotech.onmicrosoft.com and then click OK.
The script runs and then saves the Cloud.csv file to the current working directory.
6. Run the following command in a new Exchange Management Shell session. This command assumes that ExportO365UserInfo.ps1 and Cloud.csv are located in the same directory. Note: open a new Exchange Management Shell session. Otherwise, you will receive error.
.\Exchange2007MBtoMEU.ps1 <FQDN of on-premises domain controller>
.\Exchange2007MBtoMEU.ps1 dc.chicagotech.net
The script converts on-premises mailboxes to MEUs for all users included in the Cloud.csv.







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