Photoshop 2020 error code 103

Situation: When attempting to install Photoshop 2020 on a Windows 10 computer, you may receive error code 103.

Troubleshooting: Make sure you run latest version of Windows 10. Please check the Photoshop 2020 system requirement and make sure your system meets the requirement.

In some other cases, make sure the installation files are not damaged. If you installation files are in a shared location, please make sure you have good connection. or copy the files to locat drive.

Learning Objects of managing resources in Azure – AZ-203

Learning Objects of deploying a website with Azure VMs – AZ-203

  • Compile a checklist for creating an Azure VM
  • Exercise – Create a VM using the Azure portal – Learn | Microsoft Docs
  • Describe the options available to create and manage an Azure Virtual Machine
  • Manage the availability of your Azure VMs
  • Back up your virtual machines – Learn | Microsoft Docs
  • Back up your virtual machines

Note: To see the answer, click hint icon

百度注册错误“系统检测到当前帐号通过非法渠道注册,为了您的帐号安全,请使用正规渠道注册 ”

很多国外的朋友在注册百度账户时常常会遇到这个错误“系统检测到当前帐号通过非法渠道注册,为了您的帐号安全,请使用正规渠道注册 ”起因不明,估计远隔千山万水,管卡太多,速度慢,没有就近的Server。

解决办法是在百度其他App比如小度音箱上注册。请查看此文: 如何注册小度音箱账号?


  1. 在Android 下载一个小度音箱APP, 你可以在浏览器上下载。

2. 打开 小度音箱APP ,点击使用百度账户登录。

3. 点击注册。

4. 选择电话区域, 立即注册。

5. 输入验证号以后,可以开启刷脸登录或者密码登录。

6. 登录后可以关闭或者设置音箱。