How to edit camera device settings in GeoVision GV-VMS

To change the GV-VMS Device settings such as name, Stream, Quality, resolution in GeoVision GV-VMS, please follow these stspes.

1. Navigate o to Toolbar.

2. Click on Configure.

3. Click on Camera Install.

4. With IP Device Setup open, highlight the device you want to manage.

5. Click on the settings icon.

6. That will open the Settings page.

How to reduce duplicated emails?

  1. Use Email Client’s Built-in Tools: Many email clients have built-in features to detect and eliminate duplicate emails. Explore your email client’s settings or preferences to see if it offers such functionality.
  2. Sort Emails by Sender or Subject: Sometimes, duplicate emails might have slight variations in content but come from the same sender or have similar subjects. Sorting emails by sender or subject can help you identify and remove duplicates more easily.
  3. Manually Delete Duplicates: If your email client doesn’t have built-in tools, you may need to manually review your inbox and delete duplicate emails. This can be time-consuming, but it’s an effective way to ensure duplicates are removed.
  4. Use Third-Party Software: There are third-party software programs and plugins available that can scan your mailbox for duplicate emails and help you remove them efficiently. Research and choose a reputable tool that is compatible with your email client.
  5. Check Email Filters: Sometimes, email filters or rules can inadvertently create duplicate copies of emails. Review your email filters and ensure they are not causing duplicates to be created.
  6. Avoid Email Forwarding Loops: If you frequently forward emails to multiple recipients, be cautious to avoid creating forwarding loops that generate duplicate copies of emails. Check the recipients list before forwarding emails to ensure you’re not inadvertently creating duplicates.
  7. Regularly Clean Up Your Inbox: Make it a habit to regularly clean up your inbox by deleting unnecessary emails and organizing your messages. This can help prevent the accumulation of duplicate emails over time.
  8. Consolidate Email Accounts: If you use multiple email accounts, consider consolidating them into one primary account. This can help reduce the chances of receiving duplicate emails across different accounts.

What’s the best way to reduce the mailbox size?

  1. Delete Unnecessary Emails: Go through your mailbox and delete emails you no longer need. This could include old newsletters, promotional emails, or outdated messages.
  2. Archive Old Emails: Instead of deleting important emails, consider archiving them. Most email clients have an archive feature that moves emails out of your inbox but keeps them accessible if needed.
  3. Use Folders and Labels: Organize your emails into folders or labels based on categories or projects. This can help you find emails more easily and reduce clutter in your inbox.
  4. Empty Trash and Spam Folders: Make sure to regularly empty your trash and spam folders. These folders can accumulate a lot of unnecessary data over time.
  5. Reduce Email Attachments: Large email attachments can quickly consume storage space. Consider saving attachments to your computer or cloud storage and then deleting them from the email.
  6. Optimize Attachments: If you need to keep attachments in emails, consider compressing them or using file-sharing services instead of attaching large files directly to emails.
  7. Limit Automatic Downloads: Some email clients automatically download attachments or images, which can increase mailbox size. Check your settings to see if you can limit automatic downloads.
  8. Set Up Email Filters: Use email filters to automatically organize incoming emails and reduce the number of messages that end up in your inbox.
  9. Use Online Storage Services: Instead of storing large files as email attachments, use online storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive to share files and free up space in your mailbox.
  10. Regular Maintenance: Make mailbox size reduction a regular part of your email management routine. Set aside time every few weeks or months to review and clean up your mailbox.